Chesterton Community Sports College is part of the Collective Vision Trust MAT. The Directors of the Trust have set up a Local Governing Committee that has delegated powers to help it fulfil the Governance function for Chesterton Community Sports College.
For further information please click on the following:
Scheme of Delegation and Governance Structure
CCSC Local Governing Commitee
CCSC Governors Pecuniary and Other Information
Members of the Local Governing Commitee:
Mr R Dutton (Chair)
- Vice-chair of Collective Vision Trust’s Board of Directors
- An ex teacher and ex school bursar
- Before retirement he had many years experience as a school bursar for CCSC
- An active member of the Local Methodist Community (Senior Steward).
Ms L Davenport (Vice Chair)
- Is a Director of Collective Vision Trust
- Works in local community as a funeral arranger
- Has a wide experience of working in local care, education and health setting
- Brings a knowledge of local community and partner public and private sector organisations.
Mrs E Searl
- Is a Director of Collective Vision Trust
- Is a Parent Governor
- Works as a school business manager in a Stoke-on-Trent Academy.
Chloe Challinor:
- A Parent Governor
- Works for a local housing association
- Board member for the group ‘Women in Social Housing’
Mr I Sharp
- Primary school teacher for 39 years and Deputy Head for 20 years
- Ex-Governor of several schools including primary, secondary and special.
- Former Chair of the Governing Board of a large C of E Primary School.
- Considerable experience of dealing with school finance, staffing and organising the curriculum.
Mrs S Waterhouse
- Headteacher at Chesterton Community Sports College
- Part of the Collective Vision Trust Executive Leadership Team
Mrs S Francis
- Currently is Office manager at Chesterton Community Sports College and was previously a local Family Liaison Officer
- Has a background and expertise in family and community support, child protection and school attendance.
Hannah Felton
- Deputy Head at Chesterton Community Sports College
Kathryn Dunne
- Deputy Head at Chesterton Community Sports College