The Art Department prides itself on quality of work and individual creativity with ‘knowledge based learning’ being at the heart of the subject. As a department we are committed to ensuring that every pupil in Art reaches their potential. 

The KS3 curriculum is linked closely to the National curriculum and gives pupils the opportunity to develop skills in the following areas.

  • Creative work, exploring their ideas and recording their experiences 
  • Become proficient in drawing, painting, sculpture and other art, craft and design techniques 
  • Evaluate and analyse creative works using the language of art, craft and design 
  • Know about great artists, craft makers and designers, and understand the historical and Cultural Development of their art forms. 

The KS4 curriculum then develops these experiences to ensure that all pupils have the skills they need to achieve their potential at GCSE. The KS3 and KS4 curriculum together make a 5 year cohesive linked curriculum which is shown and taught thought the learning journeys in every project. 

All pupils throughout the school have iPads which are maximised specifically during all photography lessons at KS3and KS4. The iPads are updated regularly to add editing apps that match the specification for OCR photography. All lessons taught across Art, Textiles and Photography are of high quality but also varied and are adapted to all learning styles. During all lessons, pupils are frequently given the opportunity to express their independent learning and creativity and all staff drive the ethos of. “Know more, remember more, understand and apply”  

Extra-curricular activities give pupils the opportunity to experience alternative crafts such as coil pot making, tie dye, origami and lots more. These take place during the Lesson X slot on a Tuesday and have been a great success and extremely popular. 

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