Child Development is an option subject available for students to study from year 9. Students will follow the OCR Cambridge National course which covers all aspects of child development and parental responsibility, from conception to five years. Students develop the essential theoretical knowledge and practical skills needed to create the best conditions for a child’s development and well-being. The course is delivered by 3 members of staff, and is a popular option subject at Chesterton Community Sports College.
The department uses classrooms, the food room and the ICT suite to deliver lessons. We also make full use of student’s school iPads to deliver the course. Lessons can be theory based, or take on a practical nature such as making finger foods or bottle feeds. We also have a range of resources to help bring the theory to life such as bottles, teats, milk formula, clothing and nappies.
The department has a range of links with local nurseries and schools to allow us to apply the practical skills needed in this course. In addition to this the department uses these links, and those with the NHS to offer careers advice to students and embed the exploration of careers in this industry through our curriculum.