Year 8 are currently studying: 'Rights and Wrongs in Journalism'. The aim of the course is to analyse and evaluate the way in which the media portrays a specific topic, as well as learning about presentational and persuasive techniques.
The main focus of the topic is 'Animal Rights'. A range of controversial and compelling areas are covered, such as: vivisection, animal sports, animal cruelty, animal welfare and animal charities.
The students were fortunate to be visited by a speaker from the UK-based charity 'Animal Aid'. Diane Smith delivered presentations to three classes in Year 8, talking about the work of the charity, as well as facts regarding animal testing. Pupils enjoyed the visit; they were able to gain further information on animal testing, and they also had the opportunity to ask questions of someone with considerable experience in this area.
Photographs from this work can be seen below. Please click on an image to enlarge it.
Miss D Locker
Assistant Head of English