A whole school assembly delivered by Miss Locker and Mrs Thompson focused on the importance of reading, together with an entertaining video by ‘Roving Reporter’ Joel E.P a year 10 student who had interviewed members of staff about their reading habits.
Prior to the day the library hosted a week-long Book Fair, year 10 students Mollie Brown and Clintamol Johny, did a sterling job on the busy sales desk as excited pupils queued every lunchtime to make their purchases; many using their £5 school reward vouchers. The total sales generated £300 of free books for our library!
A ‘Literary Quiz’ had forms competing against each other for extra House Points. A fun quiz in which pupils had to match their teachers to literary book characters by personality traits or looks!
Staff and pupils went head-to-head in a ‘Bumper Book Quiz’ – 6 rounds of challenging questions. Thirteen teams entered and the victorious winners were SQUAD, 2nd place went to the competitive English Department and 3rd place went to The Chronicles of Year 7, the boys were ecstatic with their win!
Miss D Locker Assistant Head of English
Mrs D Thompson School Librarian