Can you believe that is is 20 years since the publication of ‘Harry Potter & The Philosopher’s Stone’?!
World Book Day is always an important date on our school calendar where we like to celebrate the importance and the joy of reading.
At lunch time the library was buzzing as 13 teams competed in the World Book Day Bumper Quiz – five different categories including a very tricky ‘connections’ round!
The winning teams were:
- 1st place - I Like Big Books
- 2nd place tie – Dobby & The House Elves and Team Taco
- 3rd place – Book Worms.
Other events and competitions will run during this week from the library; they include:
- Book Fair – pupils can use their £1 World Book Day Tokens and school reward vouchers.
- Film showing of ‘The Jungle Book’
- #bookselfie! For this competition we want pupils to think about reading in a creative way. They can be reading somewhere unusual or use props and funny books to make theirs the most fun - some members of staff have already got on-board with this one!
Dawn Thompson
School Librarian