Year 10 were fortunate enough to be treated to a live theatrical performance of ‘Macbeth’ on Monday 12th March. The students are currently preparing for the forthcoming English Literature GCSE exams and ‘Macbeth’ is just one of the challenging elements they have to tackle. Given the complexity of the bard’s famous play, the English department wanted to expose the pupils to a live show in order to bring the characters and story to life.
The hour-long performance utilised the dynamic concept of multi-role acting, using a cast of only four members. All of the action and costume changes took place on stage, allowing for a very realistic, yet innovative production.
The cast, all hailing (excuse the Macbeth pun) from the Manchester Actors Company treated the Year 10 pupils to a hearty, polished and intense production of ‘Macbeth’, which stayed true to the original.
The pupils must be commended on their superb conduct and a particular mention must go out to those who were plucked from the audience to ask the actors questions in the seminar session at the end.
Miss D. Locker
Assistant Head of English