On Monday 6th March, we held our annual Fairtrade Day. The theme this year was “Fairtrade Breaks”, which pupils and staff celebrated by taking part in several break-themed activities in the foyer during lessons. There were games of Breaks and Ladders being played all day, a Fairtrade quiz to keep brains ticking over and people were queuing up to play Fairtrade twister too! The Fairtrade break was completed with a cup of Fairtrade tea or coffee and, of course, a Fairtrade KitKat. A huge thanks is owed to the Co-operative Store in Chesterton and Morrisons at Milehouse Lane for the donations which made this event possible.
This event helped to raise awareness of the poor living and working conditions that farmers experience every day if they aren’t supported by Fairtrade and showed that we can help workers to “take a break” from poverty by buying Fairtrade products.
A fun and engaging day was had by all!
Miss Collis
Fairtrade Coordinator