The school supported the annual Salvation Army Toy Appeal again this year and the total amount raised  was a
phenomenal £623.20! We had hoped to beat last years total of £410.00 but the 2013 figure has exceeded all expectations. The pupils and staff have been extremely generous this year and their donations will make a lot of local children very happy on Christmas morning.

All of the money raised was used to buy toys and gifts for children in North Staffordshire.
Teresa Dunn from the Salvation Army in Chesterton came into school to collect the toys and was overwhelmed by the amount of money raised and the generosity of the pupils.

The prefects and other helpers collected spare change from around school during form time and lunchtimes. Local supermarkets, Asda, Morrisons and Sainsburys donated luxurious Christmas cakes that were raffled off. There was a film showing of the Hunger Games in the school library and pupils purchased popcorn.

Our fundraising success was featured in The Sentinel newspaper on Saturday 14th December.

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Mrs D Thompson

School Coordinator for the Toy Appeal