Parents and carers of Year 9 pupils joined the MFL department in the library on Thursday 15th October for an informative evening to present the new GCSE specification and how this will affect teaching and learning in the classroom.
Parents were given an overview of the main changes to the GCSE French courses as well as examples of how parents can support their child's GCSE language learning at home.
The evening included a presentation from our MFL language assistant who gave an overview of how her role supported and challenged pupils learning. She also demonstrated techniques used both in and outside of the classroom to ensure all pupils made progress.
In addition there was a presentation to explain the importance of languages in the current climate of European and International job opportunities both in the UK and overseas. Examples were given of increased salaries as a direct result of additional language skills.
The event was a great success and the MFL department would like to extend their thanks to the Year 11 prefects for their support throughout the evening. Should parents require a copy of the presentations, please contact the school.