Welcome to the SEN Department!
We are the largest department at the heart of the school and we are all passionate about inclusion and helping pupils to achieve their full potential and lead happy and fulfilled lives.
Our SENCo sets out our strategic approach to identifying and supporting pupils with special education needs (SEN) and our Deputy SENCo and dedicated team of Learning Support Assistants (LSAs) carry out this approach in lessons and interventions. We use the very latest standardised and progress testing to identify educational needs or gaps for every pupil on roll at CCSC. This data is then combined with our unparalleled personal and social knowledge of the pupils in our care to create bespoke support and interventions for those who need it.
The majority of the support that pupils receive is small group or one-to-one support in the classroom. We ensure that students are supported across the curriculum and that they have every opportunity to access and enjoy lessons whilst making progress alongside their peers. Our department also has the experience and flexibility to support pupils with a range of SEN and disabilities in our fully equipped Intervention Room and our main base in the SEN Room. We keep up to date with the latest research and guidelines around SEN by attending regular training courses and we take every opportunity to share our in-depth knowledge appropriately with wider teaching staff.
The SEND Code of Practice states that “High quality teaching that is differentiated and personalised will meet the individual needs of the majority of children and young people.” Every teacher at CCSC is a teacher of SEN as we differentiate and adapt our teaching in lessons to endeavour to meet the complex needs of all pupils. Our Crucial Knowledge based curriculum approach supports pupils with SEN as their learning is naturally broken down to its simplest and most important parts. We have recap built into our curriculum as a whole school as we recognise its singular importance in developing working and long-term memory.
We follow the graduated approach in order to remove barriers to learning and put effective special educational provision in place, as suggested in the SEND Code of Practice. This “draws on more detailed approaches, more frequent review and more specialist expertise in successive cycles”. As part of this graduated approach, we work with several external agencies who give their expert support to our department, pupils and parents.