Welcome to the CCSC PE department. Our department is made up of five full time members of staff who can call upon a wide range of specialisms. At CCSC, all pupils are provided with two hours of core PE from Year 7 to Year 11. This is further complimented by the delivery of AQA GCSE PE in Key Stage 4.
All staff look to impart their knowledge and love for sport within every PE lesson. Each lesson is planned, sequenced and delivered to a high standard and reinforced through independent study tasks and activities that can be completed out of school.
Not only do we have high quality staff, we also have some of the best facilities and equipment of any secondary school in the local area. Here is a list of the facilities that we have available at CCSC:
- 4 badminton court sports hall
- 20m swimming pool
- Full size 3G astro (used for a variety of sports and activities)
- Two large playing fields
- Extensive range of sports specific equipment
Finally, to instil a sense of pride and develop personal organisation, we have high expectations in the standard of PE kit expected from our pupils. All pupils must wear the following kit for all PE lessons:
- Blue CCSC PE polo shirt
- Black shorts, leggings or joggers
- Trainers – not their school trainers (this can be football boots if lessons are on the astro/field)
- CCSC PE hoodie or a plain black/blue sports top (your child can check this by speaking to their PE teacher)
- Long hair tied up and jewellery removed/covered with a plaster (provided by home)
Swimming lessons:
- Towel
- Plain blue/black swimming costume or shorts – Bermuda style shorts are not allowed
- If goggles are required then these need to be accompanied by a note from home granting permission for their use
- Your child is still expected to bring their PE kit to all PE lessons even when excused from PE.
NB: You can find more information around kit expectations in the FAQs which are in the PE section of the website.