PE Curriculum Intent
GCSE PE Curriculum Intent
The PE curriculum at CCSC is designed to inspire all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sports and other physically demanding activities. At CCSC, we aim to provide opportunities for all pupils to become physically confident, develop their awareness of health and fitness and develop their character through the promotion of fair play and respect.
The PE curriculum at CCSC aims to:
- Develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities
- Ensure that activity levels within lessons are high with maximum participation
- Promotes competition and leadership
- Encourages pupils to lead an active and healthy lifestyle
Here at CCSC, the PE curriculum is delivered as a 5-year pathway of study.
In every sport and activity undertaken, pupils are encouraged to:
- Overcome opponents using a range of tactics and strategies
- Develop technique, improve performance and compare results (times and distances) to normative data
- Analyse performances, compare to previous attempts and identify steps to achieve their personal best
- Pupils will be challenged both mentally and physically and encouraged to develop teamwork, problem-solving and trust in both team and individual settings
Below is a table outlining the range of individual and team sports that all pupils will take part in during Core PE lessons from Year 7 to Year 11.
Furthermore, pupils have the opportunity to select AQA GCSE Physical Education as one of their options at the end of Year 8. The exam specification can be found through the following links:
To further enhance pupil opportunities, the PE department is developing links with the local sports clubs in the community to provide opportunities for our pupils to participate in physical activity outside of school.
In addition, leadership is also a key element running through the PE curriculum and pupils are given opportunities to develop their leadership skills through PE lessons and, in some cases, in partnership with local primaries under the guidance of the School Games Organiser.
Make sure you keep up to date with the latest PE news and updates by following the CCSC PE department on Twitter and Instagram.
Instagram - @CCSC_PE