This week they have been gathering pupil opinion about the services they offer to see how pupils value them, and what pupils want from them to make the department even better. Click on the links to read their full transcripts!
Kyle Whitehouse (Year 7), Mark Johnson (Year 8), Jordan Fowler (Year 9) and Jessica Eardley (Year 11) were all asked about SEN and what it meant to them:
Kyle said that the SEN department "help me with my work" especially with "spelling and work in technology". He commented that the support made him feel "very safe" to ask for help from the "nice people in the SEN department to help him with his work.
Mark felt that having a TA in lessons was a huge asset, and provided lots of support to build literacy and confidence. "Miss writes things down for me on a whiteboard when the teacher talks too quickly... now I am confident doing this for myself", and when a little unsure likes to use "one-to-one support in Learning Support".
Jordan complimented the "nice atmosphere" in Learning Support and esepcially praised the "spelling scheme on a Thursday morning... because I get prepared for the day. It refreshes my memory". He felt that the department met all his needs and tailored resources for his learning: "I feel cared for and safe because it's quiet and I can get on with my work... there is always an adult around so if I need somebody they are always there".
Jessica echoed the high praises, explaining that she felt that she could count on the SEN department to always "help with my learning... no matter what the question is". The SEN department has "given me confidence in lots of things [and] helped me with my learning".