The FA Girls Football week is a national campaign which ran from the 6th November to the 12th November. The campaign is aimed at engaging as many girls as possible in football, with the aim of doubling the number of females playing football by 2020.
Girls football has increased in popularity at CCSC over the last 5 years, which has seen a number of successes in both the league and cup. To continue this drive in girls football, CCSC ran a number of events during the week.
Events included a Lionesses Quiz, Football Club, Women’s Super League activity packs and Intra House Futsal. All events were popular during the week and attended by both regular footballers, and some girls who came along for the first time to try it out. All girls who participated were given a certificate in the whole school rewards assembly.
Well done to all who took part. For any questions on getting involved in girls football at CCSC see Miss Grocott.
Miss R Grocott
Physical Education Teacher